: To be clear, I’m not encouraging scamming. But… a little creativity goes a long way.
Category: Blog
I’m Not Your Inspiration Porn
The perception of the blind is twofold: part infantilization, part terror. The former comes from, I think, not knowing how to approach a Blind in the wild.
Post Undergrad Rambles
I graduated last month. (If you don’t know the long, winding journey it took to get here, check out this video.) And though I should be excited—everyone in my life is—I find myself a little underwhelmed. Because of the “unprecedented times” that we find ourselves […]
The Clearest Path
I wrote this piece for round 1 of the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge. In the contest, you are randomly assigned a genre, location and object. The story must primarily be set in the location, the object must physically appear (not just be mentioned) and, […]
On Death and Aging
This post is a little depressing, so be forewarned. I’m twenty-three, just under two months from turning twenty-four. (I haven’t even hit the quarter century mark.) So why am I writing a post on death and aging? I feel like this is usually the arena […]
How Might A Post-Corona World Effect The Blind?
When Covid news first started circulating, it was disconcerting to hear about—a disease with no cure?—but it wasn’t impacting my life, it wasn’t even in the US yet. Then cases started spreading to Europe and Washington and Chicago… but not New York. Still, it was […]
I’m Struggling to Write
… And do everything else: homework, practice my music, get in some exercise. The only thing that I haven’t been struggling with is reading. But, with the exception of a few weeks over winter break, when I barely touched a book—think I was a little […]
A Story About A Difficult Professor
As I was settling in to write a post about blind representation in the media, I found this fully-written, but never before posted piece. It’s on a difficult professor I had my junior year. She refused to be accommodating, in addition to being a bit […]
Wishing On Memory
This poem came about from an assignment in my Poetry Workshop. We had to write a sestina, which is a complicated French poetic form. It took a while to write, and I didn’t love it initially. But the more I worked on, and then reread […]
Ephemeral Thoughts
I’m sitting at work (well, my internship), listening to a drill outside. And I just started thinking about how ephemeral things in this city are. Things are ever under construction, either being taken down or built up. Stores and restaurants are bought and sold because […]