: To be clear, I’m not encouraging scamming. But… a little creativity goes a long way.
Category: Creative Writing
I’m Not Your Inspiration Porn
The perception of the blind is twofold: part infantilization, part terror. The former comes from, I think, not knowing how to approach a Blind in the wild.
The Clearest Path
I wrote this piece for round 1 of the NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge. In the contest, you are randomly assigned a genre, location and object. The story must primarily be set in the location, the object must physically appear (not just be mentioned) and, […]
Wishing On Memory
This poem came about from an assignment in my Poetry Workshop. We had to write a sestina, which is a complicated French poetic form. It took a while to write, and I didn’t love it initially. But the more I worked on, and then reread […]
Ephemeral Thoughts
I’m sitting at work (well, my internship), listening to a drill outside. And I just started thinking about how ephemeral things in this city are. Things are ever under construction, either being taken down or built up. Stores and restaurants are bought and sold because […]
Ember Burning
This sixth and final assignment was to write a piece of flash fiction. I mentioned in an earlier post that my professor didn’t want genre fiction, but a few of my classmates had written things about aliens so I went back to my preferred fantasy […]
My Gabriella Moment
Now we’re onto assignment5. For this one, we had to choose one of our previously written scenes and expand them into a story. You can see the development of my grasp on my character from this first scene, to the second which I rearranged and expanded […]
Perception is Everything (When Helping The Blind)
The same event can look differently to different people, especially if one of them is visually impaired.
A Fish out of Water
“I’ll be fine.”
I think I will, anyway. It’s easy to say with him looking so proud and confident in me. But I know when I get there, step up to the mic, open my mouth…
Ginelle, A Character Portrait
The stillness of anticipation is punctuated by shouts of encouragement:
“You got this!” “Yaas, Ginelle!” “Breathe!”