Alas, I have finished the arduous task of transferring my blogs from blogspot to here. Boy am I happy about the past two and a half years of inconsistent posting. If 36 posts has left me this tired, imagine if I had hundreds… shudder. I’m […]
Month: May 2017
There are some cool strangers out there
This was originally posted on May 28, 2017, at 5:00 PM on blogger (this was also the last entry posted there). *** Last Monday, I was on my way home (to my actual home, not the dorm) after my first, and painful final exam of […]
Looks Like I’m Home
This was originally posted on May 28, 2016, at 4:43 PM on Blogger. *** “Do you want some?” I’m asked, as a bowl is thrust into my hands. “What is it?” I reply, a little startled. “Just eat it.” For a fully-sighted person, or simply […]
Dating A Blind Person: “I Don’t Think I Do That.”
This was originally posted on May 19, 2017, at 12:59 PM on Blogger. *** On line dating. Despite there being millions of people signed into at least one such app or website at any given moment, there’s still some lingering stigma surrounding the process. I […]
I Don’t Regret Being Blind
This was originally posted on February 8, 2017, at 3:32 AM on blogger. *** I rarely lament being visually impaired. Even lately, with my vision worsening, it’s not something I do. Sometimes, I think wistfully, things would be easier if I could just skim documents […]
I Hate Finals
This was originally posted on December 18, 2016, at 12:21 AM on blogger. *** Hey all, Just wanted to let you all know that, though I have two posts in progress, I’m not allowing myself to finish them until finals week has ended. I have […]
Mending Misconceptions #3: Do Blind People have/use EchoLocation?
This was originally posted on December 3, 2016, at 8:00 PM on Blogger. *** Last week, I was hanging out with one of my friends, ostensibly doing homework. But every now and then I’d check on his progress, and he’d have gotten distracted by social […]
Mending Misconceptions #2: Do Blind People Count Their Steps?
One day during some point in my high school career, I was walking to the Vision Resource room (the place where vision and mobility teachers work). As I walked down the hall, a group of boys were standing in front of the door so I […]
I Slapped Someone Today… By Accident
This was originally posted on November 18, 2016, at 11:59 PM on blogger. *** As texted to my sister and a few friends: • Um… I may have just backhanded someone by accident. •As I was walking, I put my hand up, the one with […]
Back & Here To Stay
This was originally posted on November 18, 2016 at 8:41 PM on blogger. *** I, Lily, hereby solemnly swear, by the old gods and the new, to update this blog on a weekly schedule. I realize that it may be hard, initially, for you all […]