This sixth and final assignment was to write a piece of flash fiction. I mentioned in an earlier post that my professor didn’t want genre fiction, but a few of my classmates had written things about aliens so I went back to my preferred fantasy […]
Month: July 2019
My Gabriella Moment
Now we’re onto assignment5. For this one, we had to choose one of our previously written scenes and expand them into a story. You can see the development of my grasp on my character from this first scene, to the second which I rearranged and expanded […]
Perception is Everything (When Helping The Blind)
The same event can look differently to different people, especially if one of them is visually impaired.
A Fish out of Water
“I’ll be fine.”
I think I will, anyway. It’s easy to say with him looking so proud and confident in me. But I know when I get there, step up to the mic, open my mouth…
Ginelle, A Character Portrait
The stillness of anticipation is punctuated by shouts of encouragement:
“You got this!” “Yaas, Ginelle!” “Breathe!”
Cassius, A Character Portrait
This assignment was a two parter. We had to create a character portrait, one about a person we knew and the other made up. This one is made up, I used two characters from a current project and reimagined their story. My professor didn’t want […]
The Spymaster
Hiya readers (I have to come up with a nifty name for you guys like the Menders or something), It’s been just under a year since last I posted and I do apologize. But have no fear, I’ll be back soon with a characteristically rambly […]