
Amari’s Bookreport by Ginelle Winter

The title page of a book "Amari's Book Report". The title page shows , clockwise from top right, two black women in athletics clothes jogging , a man playing drums, a group of three black women seen from behind and a young boy reading a comic.

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This is a book about a Afro-Caribbean boy, growing up in Brooklyn and learning about his family history. Sometimes your own family can be more interesting than the movies.

Across Two Novembers: An Interview With A Blind Bibliophile

While working as an editorial intern at Learning Ally, a non profit organization dedicated to closing the equity gap for disabled students, I interviewed the author, David L. Faucheux. Faucheux is the author of Across Two Novembers: A Year In The Life of A Blind Bibliophile, sharing his experience as a person born with cataracts and limited vision.


Comfortable and Confident Navigating The World

In Bold Blind Beauty, an advocacy platform demystifying blindness through storytelling, I was featured as their Woman on The Move in 2021..

Bold Blind Beauty On A.I.R.: episode 7 featuring Lily Mordaunt and the Summer Interns

I also sat down with that year’s summer interns for a podcast episode on navigating college, imposter syndrome and the professional world as a blind person.


The importance of web accessibility

Here you’ll find a handful of articles I wrote when I worked as an intern at Usablenet, a company dedicated to making digital spaces accessible. I use personal experience to frame the importance of web accessibility and give tips on how to go about making your website or app accessible.